Eliminate your skin discoloration and uneven skin tone with our innovative Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) system. The IPL photofacial is a  method of photo rejuvenation that improves your skin’s texture, tone and appearance. A series of IPL photofacial treatments will remove age spots from sun damage, diminish flushing or redness of the skin associated with conditions like Rosacea, reduce hyperpigmentation and erase broken capillaries all with no down time.

What is IPL Photofacial?

Photorejuvenation or IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) is a non-invasive skin treatment breakthrough that corrects multiple facial imperfections including sun damage, redness and hyperpigmentation. IPL therapy uses an intense beam of broad-spectrum lights that target the lower layers of the skin. The pulsing lights will bypass the outer layer of the skin and gently heat the cells in the deeper layers. The procedure will remove damaged and aged skin hidden underneath. In addition, this procedure will also stimulate the increase of collagen production. Keep in mind that IPL is one of the safest light-based facial treatments available. Most patients experience little to no pain during the entirety of the procedure. With that said, IPL can improve the overall texture and tone of your skin by revitalizing the skin’s elasticity.


  • Long-Lasting Improvements in Skin Quality and Texture

  • Little to no Downtime

What are the benefits of an IPL treatment?

The IPL treatment is ideal for eliminating brown and red spots on the face. For your general understanding, the brown spots are created from melanin and the red spots are broken red blood vessels. This non-invasive procedure will draw out unwanted pigments left behind by the sun while increasing your collagen production. The high intensity light will penetrate below the skin’s surface to eradicate the melanin that make up the brown spots and the broken vessels. Once completed, the skin will begin repairing itself, leaving you with a more even skin tone.

How to Prepare for the procedure?

Prior to your first treatment, the medical professionals will provide clear instructions leading up to the procedure date. However, to better prepare yourself. Drink plenty of water, get plenty of rest, and apply sunscreen with at least 30 SPF.

How long does it take to see the results from an IPL treatment?

Most people need about 3 to 5 treatment sessions to really optimize the full effects. However, keep in mind that you need at least 4 to 6 weeks between sessions. The reason behind this is that your skin is still in the process of recovering after each treatment. Additionally, the more sun exposure and redness you have, the more likely you are to need additional treatments. 

What can I to Expect during the procedure?

Before the procedure begins, you will be given protective eyewear to protect you from the bright flashes of light. Keep in mind that a photofacial will use a computer-controlled device to emit a high-intensity, multi-wavelength light beam. During the treatment, the procedure involves only a minimal discomfort. You will feel a warm rubber band snapping sensation caused by the beam’s heat. Following the procedure, ointment will be applied to help accelerate your healing process. After all is said and done, you’re able to apply foundation or concealer immediately after the treatment.

How long is the procedure?

The most crucial question of them all, how long is the entire treatment? The entire procedure takes approximately 20 to 30 minutes for the medical technician to fully cover the entire selected area. The process comprises of your skin being pre-treated with a cool gel and followed by small intense bursts of light from a handheld device.

What can I Expect after the procedure?

So what happens now once the treatment process is complete? After the treatment, you can expect to see some redness, darkening of brown spots and slight swelling. It’ll take several hours to a day or so for the treatment’s results to become noticeable. The redness will fade, and you will see improvement more and more. However, depending on the condition you are treating, your experience will differ. For further help and acceleration to your full recovery, we suggest that you go home immediately and apply cold cloths to cool down the treated area(s).

How many Treatments should I have?

One of the most common questions received is how many treatments a patient should have performed on them. Typically it’s recommended to have a series of 3 to 6 treatments for most skin and body types. Treatments are usually spread apart with 3 to 4 week intervals. The reasoning behind why you can’t have repeated treatments back to back is because your skin needs time to recover and repair itself before it undergoes another laser treatment.

What are the Results?

Now, bare in mind that there are some post-care steps that you can follow to help maintain your improved complexion. For starters, be sure to protect the treated area from the sun with a broad spectrum SPF (UVA/UV) for at least a couple of weeks. With proper, medical grade facial care maintenance, the results of your treatment may vary.