Hydrafacial MD

Give your pores and skin the ultimate treatment with this advanced technology that infuses antioxidants, peptide and hyaluronic acid into the skin. You will be "red carpet ready" with luminous plumed skin that will keep you glowing for weeks. 

​Chemical Peels

Peels improve the texture of the skin and increase cell turnover rate, hydration, and moisture retention, as well as elastin and collagen production. As a result, peels can reduce fine lines, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation. They can also be used to treat skin conditions such as acne, clogged pores, and dry skin. Moxy offers glycolic, lactic, syalicic and fruit acids in varying strengths that we can combine to taylor to your skin for the ultimate results.

General Facial:

This relaxing facial is tailored to your specific concerns based on skin type. We start with a deep pore cleansing, followed by exfoliation and extractions if needed, and finishing with a soothing mask, leaving your skin balanced and protected. This is an excellent skin service for all skin types, and a monthly regiment is recommended.

PCA Skin Chemical Peel

Chemical Peels stimulate new cell growth that improve tone, reduce scarring and acne scars, and age spots leaving you with younger, healthier skin. They are recommended for people with uneven skin tone, wrinkles, acne and facial blemishes. Rhea Esthetics has many Chemical Peel solutions including the Dermalinfusion Silk Peel, VI Peel, and Micro-Peel, and each peel can be adjusted to suit your particular needs.

European Deep Pore Cleanisng Facial - can't find anything for these in red

Viatamin C Facial

Aroma Therapy Facial

Acne Facial

This treatment is formulated specifically for people with acne-prone skin. This treatment focuses on deep cleansing and multiple extractions to treat current blemishes while helping to prevent future breakouts. Includes Pumpkin Enzyme Mask.

Glycolic Facial

Back Facial

Clarifying back treatment. It includes cleanse, steam, manual and enzyme exfoliation, extractions, high frequency, detox mask and soothing light back massage and moisturizer. 

45 min | $120